Now that I am feeling like I am among the living again, I have begun to reflect on this year of cancer. I never imagined I would of had to endure this so early in my life. Then I think, what would make me the exception. There are plenty of terrible things people have suffered children, young adults, and the elderly. I know when someone first gets the dreaded C diagnosis, they may start to think what did I do to deserve this. This hasn't been something I have really thought although I have had one or two wonder it to me. I can honestly say that I am genetically predisposed ( BRAC2 +). I have thought what if I ate a certain way, exercised more, but would I ever have an answer? No!
Back when I began chemo, I just realized this was my life. Life happens differently for each of us. Sometimes we must endure and live. So, I could sit here and recap this year but it is really how my life has unfolded. Life is ever changing. Life is a collection of moments. Life continues until our last breath. So, I will continue to live. I will not celebrate the cancerversary because I plan on being too busy living!