I picked up some buckets from Target's dollar bins. You've just gotta love those bins! Next, I decided to get all fancy pants and cut out nifty labels outlines on contact paper using my cricut machine.
I proceeded to mix up my homemade chalkboard paint as directed in Attempting Aloha's post. I know the whole idea of being homemade is to customize your color but I had extra black craft paint and just had to try it now!! No waiting for me to pick just the right color. I guess I can be like my four year old when it comes to instant gratification. Anyways, I applied the paint as directed by Freckled Laundry's post. I was sooo excited. As I started to peel away the contact paper to reveal my chalkboard label, this happened.
Did I mention that I was going for instant gratification. So, I didn't really prepare the surface before painting on the bucket. Lesson learned. Take two! Made new label outlines and applied paint. Then, oops. I guess the step about priming with a piece of chalk after the paint is dry is really in there for a reason. So, much for instant gratification with this project.
Take three! I applied just a smidge more chalkboard paint to fix that problem and now I call it done!
Wow! What an idea following directions. You would never have thought that I once was a teacher. I think they turned out pretty cute.
Sharing them over at: