
Friday, March 14, 2014

Horsing around

Don't mind me.  I have just been horsing around! 

I am sure you all have seen Miss Mustard Seed's delicious restoration horse.  If not, you can check it out here.  Beautiful isn't it?!  Because I am cheap (I am not sure hubby would agree), I found two horses to satisfy my need to horse around.

First up, a little wooden horse from Goodwill.  It had a hole through the middle which leads me to believe it was part of the carousal horse phase back in the late 80's.  In fact, I remember my oldest sister having one all decked out in mauve and blue.  Anyways, I saw the potential.  Do you see it too?

Not quite like Miss Mustard Seeds, but a poor man's substitute.  In honor of Miss Mustard Seed, I used her milk paint, Grain Sack.  The wood was pretty much unfinished so no chipping.  Just a little sanding and wax.
I like my MMS inspired horse that was a mere $3.  The second horse I actually redid over Christmas time.  This guy was in my garage forever.
Not really a fan of the hand painted scene.  With this horse, I used ASCP Pure White.  I used ASCP Graphite on the details.  Then gave it a coat of Annie's craqueleur followed by some dark wax.
This close up is not the greatest.  I am not sure if you can even see the cracks.  I could only get so close on my 8' ladder. 
 Still not close to MMS's horse, but I still like it!  I would love to know what you think!
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1 comment:

I would really enjoy knowing what you think. I love getting your comments!