
Monday, June 3, 2013

Ugly duckling

Ugly duckling. Yes, that must be what everyone thought about this poor little desk at the auction. I couldn't believe NO ONE bid on it!

I got it at an absolute steal! It is true that she isn't the most well made but she had the bones too make for a nice redo. I decided to go with Annie Sloan's Graphite for the body and Old White for the drawers. Sorry for the poor quality of the picture. I took it with my archaic phone once I got it to my booth (I forgot my camera). It is a good thing I did. It was snapped up in 2 days!

See, a little lipstick can go a long way girls!
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1 comment:

  1. That turned out great and I love your comment a little lipstick goes a long way--so true! :)


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