
Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm still standing

Yes, it is true.  I am still alive.  It will be three weeks tomorrow that I had my double mastectomy.  I had tissue expanders placed in at the same time.  When they say it takes about 4-6 weeks to recover, I think they have it about right.  It has only been 3 weeks but I am hanging in there.  The chemo worked.  They tested the breast tissue removed and found only 4mm of residual disease and had clear margins.  One doctor used the word cancer-free.  It is hard for me to grasp that.  Right now, I am hating these tissue expanders.  In case you don't know, basically these are a rough, hard type plastic capsules placed in a pocket of your chest wall muscle that they create after your breast tissue is removed to be filled to prepare your skin and muscles for an implant.  Unfortunately, this is not the run of the mill Housewives of Orange County way.

Because I will be doing radiation, the plastic surgeon wanted to fill me as much as he could.  So, I have 550cc expanders that were filled to 500cc at the time of the surgery.  It was like a baby elephant was placed on my chest.  My muscles were not enjoying being stretched.  Two weeks later, he placed the remaining 50ccs in.  That wasn't too bad.  It is more than the 'uncomfortable' that the nurses and doctors state but I guess it is the path I have chosen. 

Now that you are up to date, I wanted to share some pictures I had taken the week before my surgery.

I wanted this one to mark one of the hardest journeys in my life.  Don't laugh at the eyebrows.  They are incredibly hard to draw in once they are gone.  I will never make fun of any older woman ever again.  To let you know God does have a since of humor, my leg hair is growing like a forest, I am getting peach fuzz on my head but I still have about only 3 to 4 eyebrow hairs and eyelashes. 
Anyways, here are the most precious pictures to me because these little two ones along with my husband is why I would endure any treatment they would throw at me.  Every minute I have with them is precious.

Please give those you love a big strong hug and kiss and let them know.

Since I am still not allowed to lift anything over 5 pounds or do housework, I will be sitting around with my dust bunnies recovering while checking out all of your amazing projects. 

Nothing but good thoughts being sent out to all of you wonderful people.


  1. What gorgeous kids you have - and nothing but good thoughts are coming right back at ya!!!
    Cyber hugs,
    XOXO Suzan

  2. Your post is so uplifting! I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. Your photos are precious...I am inspired by you!

  3. so glad to hear you are surviving!! (both literally an figuratively)
    take care, lovely Julie

  4. What lovely photos.. your children are beautiful! best wishes coming your way, maryann

  5. Hello
    You are a strong woman, blessings to you today!
    Wishing you a lovely day

    Psalm 138:8 (NIV)
    The LORD will fulfill [his purpose] for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever-- do not abandon the works of your hands.

  6. Your post is very inspiring! Hugs and wishes coming your way!

  7. You're absolutely beautiful! Very strong woman, indeed!

  8. Thanks for the update. Positive thoughts coming your way!

  9. You're gorgeous! Bald is a good look on you. Just be glad it's your leg hair and not those little chin hairs. They came back first with me. (really Pam)

  10. I'm glad to hear you are hanging in there!!!! I have to tell you, you look really good with no hair! I don't want to even think about drawing eye browns in....I would probably look really crazy! LOL Your kids are so adorable :o)

  11. Thank you for your comment on my MRI post. Your blog title is perfect, for I AM inspired by you. Hang in there...there will come a day when cancer is not part of your everyday. Blessings to you.

  12. Amazing. So happy that you heard the words cancer-free. I cannot begin to imagine what you have been through but the pics of you and your kids moved me to tears. And I have to tell you how beautiful you are - even without hair! Seriously - you are gorgeous. Thanks for commenting on my blog - I will keep you in my prayers that all keeps going well and you are soon more comfortable!

  13. Amazing. So happy that you heard the words cancer-free. I cannot begin to imagine what you have been through but the pics of you and your kids moved me to tears. And I have to tell you how beautiful you are - even without hair! Seriously - you are gorgeous. Thanks for commenting on my blog - I will keep you in my prayers that all keeps going well and you are soon more comfortable!

  14. Wow, what an inspiration you are, Julie! You are a strong and beautiful woman, wishing you only the best.

  15. Julie, you are amazing and beautiful. Sending hugs your way!!

  16. You are beautiful and so is your spirit!

  17. Julie, How beautiful you are! You did a great job on your brows! And what an encouragement you are to others. I know the Lord will continue to bless you and make his face to shine upon you! You are in my prayers.~Kristie

  18. Julie, you are such a beautiful and strong woman! It is for those loved ones of ours that we keep fighting the fight for, and we're blessed to have them. Your children are adorable, by the way. :) So glad that you've got so much of your journey behind you now! Everything else you face will surely seem like nothing, I'd think. Hehe

    I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate the supportive comments you've left on my blog. I will be following along with you for each new post from here on out. Sending prayers, good thoughts and love your way!


I would really enjoy knowing what you think. I love getting your comments!