
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Frenchy find

Hello all!  I have been meaning to post about this great garage sale find.  My mom, sister, daughter and I were driving past a garage sale.  Of course, I had to whip in to check it out.  I cannot say that my sister or daughter have this treasure hunting in their blood but I keep trying to change that.  Anyways, I almost missed this treasure among the bushes.  This is it:

What a great french find!

To a closer look at the painted scene on the bottom.

I have looked all over this thing for markings.  The only thing I could find has a stamped 12 on it.  If you have any ideas of the true value, please let me know.  The owner said it was her grandmother's.  She knew it was at least 89 years old.  Now, I don't know if this is really true or not but I would welcome any information you might know of pieces like this. 

I hope you are having luck with your treasure hunting!!

Sharing at:
  French Country Cottage 


  1. Wow, that is gorgeous, Julie! What a great find! Good thing you were able to stop and score this treasure.

  2. OMG!!! That is stunning. I would have bought that in a heartbeat, I love all things French. I would love to know what you paid for it at a garage sale...Love the graphics on it. Are you relatives garage sale converts now?

  3. Oh Julie! It is wonderful! I can not help you with information but I really love it, I can imagine my vintage children's plates and cups collection there!
    Thanks for your visit!
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina


I would really enjoy knowing what you think. I love getting your comments!