
Friday, December 16, 2011

French lovelies

Are you sitting down?  I'm finally going to reveal the chairs I've been posting about.  I know that in blog land we just like a quick before and after.  But let's be realistic people, it takes time to do projects (especially when they sit for 2 weeks).  So, let me refresh your memory. 



They look so fresh and fit soooo much better.  Don't you think?  I think this might be one of the best upholstery jobs yet out of a total of 5 chairs and 1 settee.  I even tried to mimic all of the seams that the previous upholsterer had done.  I love my double welting foot.  The double welting just finishes it off perfectly.  I don't even think that the fabric looks like drop cloths.    It took forever to find just the right color of drop cloths, more taupe than oatmeal. 

So, there you have it.  My french lovelies are done!!!

I'm linking up over at:
Furniture Feature Fridays    French Country Cottage

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special 


  1. Oh my goodness they are perfect!

  2. Very pretty. I hope to learn how to reupholster some day. You did a great job.

  3. Holy cow girl! Those were worth waiting for! They're beautiful! You must be so proud! xo

  4. You did an awesome job!!!! You have totally given me the much needed motivation to begin my first reupholstering project. Wish me luck!!

  5. Oh Julie those are spectacular! Job well done I"d say. That went by fast for me, i didntnthink it took you too long lol. Happy new year!


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