
Monday, February 21, 2011

Scrabble Tile Pendants tutorial

Last week I had a group of gal pals over for a craft night.  We had a great time.  Not too long ago I posted about my soldered necklace pendant.  Well, I introduced a couple girls to the soldering iron.  But just in case they didn't feel up to that, I had plan B. 

Plan B was making some adorable scrabble tile necklace pendants.

All you need is:
Art work (I made mine on photoshop elements and printed it out onto a laser copy @ Kinko's), scrabble tiles ($3.99 @ Michael's), glue-on necklace bails (@ Hobby Lobby in fused work area), diamond glaze (Achiever's), glue stick, E6000, sand block, and black sharpie marker.

I decided a photo tutorial would be best for visual gals like me!

Now, just enjoy your own creation!

I'm sharing over at:
 The Girl Creative mmm button Keeping It Simple
Craft Link parties Show and Tell Green


  1. I have been wanting to make these for a long time. I need to take the plunge!

  2. Very Nice! I would love to try that. I didn't know you could get scrabble tiles at Michaels. thanks for sharing; looks like fun.

  3. I just came across your blog and pinned this to pinterest. I plan on making them! I bought scrabble pieces off of Ebay for cheap! =] I love the "vintage" look they have.

  4. So where's the best place to find small enough images to place on the scrabble piece?

    1. I created my own images on photoshop elements with digital scrapbook brushes. You can always search for free downloadable images and play with resizing them. Sorry that I am not more helpful.


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