
Saturday, November 27, 2010

How to reupholster, Part 3b - the finale!!!

It is time to finish up our journey in reupholstering.  I believe we left off with me beating my head in the wall a few times.  Never fear, the headache is gone.  Okay, yesterday I left off without any pictures.  So, here we go.  I began attaching the fabric starting with the last piece I had removed.  Let me just say that I tried and tried to use my electric stapler but no luck.  I had to go old school and use my trusty tack hammer and tacks.  Here she is after attaching the back piece of the front.

You may have noticed that I put new batting down on the front of the chair.  Once I saw the previous batting in the light of day, it looked a little dirty.  You know from yesterday's post that it was a bear to get the bottom front stapled without wrinkles.  After I got that under control, I stapled down the seat cushion then the back of the chair.  Here is all of that hard work:

Now for the lipstick!  I tried to go the easy route and buy some sort of braiding but had no luck matching colors.  I got busy making double cording to cover those unsightly tacks.  My supplies were cording, 2" strips of the fabric and a double cording foot.

I was pretty intimidated about making the double cording but there is a great tutorial at Design Intervention here.  This is a shot of my success!

Now, I just need to heat up the glue gun and get this chair done!

Just a reminder of the before:

Okay, drum roll please!!!!!

I can't tell you how happy I am to complete one chair.  I'm linking up to the following blogs to show this baby off:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Furniture Feature FridaysJoin  us Saturdays at for the  weekend      wrap    up           party!


  1. I am so proud of you! It looks amazing, you are inspiring to see that you followed it through. That is one good looking chair, I think you should show it off to more link parties, you and the chair deserve the recognition.

  2. That is an incredible transformation! This is just gorgeous. You've given me inspiration to tackle the freebie thats heading my way soon. Stephanie is that baby up!

  3. Great job! I really should tackle my chair to pretty it up. You should share this with Miss Mustard Seed in her furniture round up.

  4. THOSE ARE BEAUTIFUL! What were those Victorians thinking . . .the addition of the simple fabric highlights the sexy curves of the chair. YUMMO!

  5. Oh these are GORGEOUS!!! Thanks for the tutorial link. I'll have to give that a try one day.

  6. All your hard work paid off! Your chair is beautiful! It is funny because over the holiday I started my first chair upholstery project too. I have not got to the hard part yet. I am glad you made it through!

    P.S. I am your newest follower

  7. Looks fabulous! I have always been afraid to tackle a job like this - amazing job!! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase - I greatly appreciate it. I have featured this today - stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you are enjoying your week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  8. You did a FABULOUS job! I could never ever EVER do that. Susan

  9. That looks like a big job but you did it so well, you are very couragous to tackle such pretty chairs. I have a sad chair waiting to be upholstered, thank you for showing how, I love the end result.

  10. WOW great job! I can't wait to try this project. =)

  11. Thank you, thank you for providing such an inspiring project! While there is a lot to such a task you made it look possible. Do I dare take on the estate-sale chaise?

  12. Thank you for all of these re upholstery posts. I have a side of the road find that I can't convince my husband to let me pay to have it done so maybe I'll get the courage to do it myself. I'll definitely be referring back here if I do. Thanks for sharing at Tater Tots & Jello!

  13. I want to thank you so much for this step by step project. My friend recently asked me to help her reupholster her chairs that are exactly like yours!What are the odds.... She will be using zebra black and white print, I can't wait to see how it goes, wish me the best :)


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